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singer dancer actress hoping for a carreer in television or theater plays piano and flute georgeous chesty morgan! (only kidding lol)
A sheet metal worker by trade with unfulfilled ambitions in electronics literature, painting, computers, finance, industry & shipping. Was the joint inventor of the first totally monocoque motor vehicle body chassis unit(Glass Fibre). Patent Registration No 898,582 - Aug 1965. Served in the armed forces in Egypt & Palestine 1939 - 45
Property Developer
Information Technology Manager
Managing Director ABA Electronics
Police Detective
Medical Sister, Health Visitor Retired
Driving Instructor
wants to be a marine biologist. primary school St Mary's CE Shaw. High School Compton House, Shaw. Favorite colour blue, favorite disney character - Eeyore.
wants to be a tv presenter or lawyer. Likes Dancing, trampolining and groovy chick. Favorite colour - purple, favorite disney characters - dopey & tigger.